
Microsoft concrétise la refonte de ses programmes

Lors de l’édition 2009 de la conférence partenaires de Microsoft, Jean-Christophe Dupuy, alors directeur de la stratégie et des programmes partenaires de Microsoft France, indiquait sans ambages que «400 partenaires Gold [en France], c’est déjà beaucoup.» A ce jour,nike shox pas cher, ils seraient 460 - «qui affichent peu leurs compétences. Du coup,rolex prix, ça fait effet de masse»,timberland soldes, précise Guylène Tarrazi, responsable Marketing Partenaires chez Microsoft France. Aujourd’hui,air max bw, ce n’est donc plus «beaucoup» mais apparemment trop : l’objectif avoué de l’éditeur est de faire tomber ce chiffre à environ 200 avec au moins une compétence Gold. Ne serait-ce que parce que Microsoft France n’est pas structuré pour pouvoir «répondre aux demandes» de tous ses partenaires Gold actuels, de l’aveu même de Guylène Tarrazi.

Le processus devrait mécaniquement favoriser les partenaires les plus importants. Guylène Tarrazi le reconnaît sans peine : les évolutions du programme partenaires de l’éditeur répondent à une demande des plus gros d’entre eux et, en particulier, des «grandes alliances. Mais vous serez surpris d’apprendre que [même des petits],nike mercurial vapor, en particulier des petites SSII très pointues dans un domaine, le décisionnel par exemple, avaient beaucoup de mal à devenir Gold Certified en raison des prérequis.» Celles-ci pourraient donc y trouver leur compte. Surtout, l’éditeur s’engage à mettre au moins une personne à la disposition de ses partenaires nouvellement labellisés «Gold» sur au moins une compétence, pour «développer ce partenariat et les ventes. En réduisant le nombre de ces partenaires, nous allons pouvoir nous investir plus à leur côté. Ceux qui feront l’effort de plus investir avec nous pourront s’y retrouver.»

Dans les faits, la labellisation Gold Certified actuelle doit disparaître à la fin octobre. Apparaîtront alors des partenaires certifiés Gold sur un ou plusieurs domaines technologiques - portails et collaboration, recherche, etc. L’ensemble sera complété par un label «spécialiste PME» pour les partenaires plus généralistes adressant spécifiquement le marché des entreprises de petite et moyenne taille.

Scandale - le trafic de dipl?mes universitaires

La police judiciaire de Toulon a effectué jeudi 9 avril à La Garde (Var) des perquisitions à l’université du Sud-Toulon-Var dans le cadre d’une enquête sur un possible trafic de diplômes. Ces perquisitions font suite à une enquête préliminaire ouverte la première semaine d’avril par le procureur de la République de Toulon, après une dénonciation faisant état d’une vente de diplômes à des étudiants chinois.

Plusieurs centaines d’étudiants chinois de l’IAE (Institut d’Administration des Entreprises) de Toulon sont accusés d’avoir acheté leur diplôme d’administration des entreprises. Une pratique un peu grillé, étant donné que le taux de réussite du master d’entrepreneuriat était ainsi de 100% pour les étudiants chinois.

"On ne connaît ni les corrupteurs supposés ni les corrompus supposés. Nous effectuons des vérifications",rolex submariner, a déclaré à l’AFP une source proche du dossier.A l’université du Sud-Toulon-Var fait de l’accueil des étudiants étrangers une priorité, d’où les quelques 644 Chinois sont recensés...sans compter les diplômés des années précédentes! En effet le Monde confie que l’affaire serait "née au cours de l’année universitaire 2004-2005".

Tout aurait commencé par un étudiant chinois qui avait peine à décrocher sa licence. Il aurait alors soudoyé une personne de l’IAE et aurait obtenu son certificat. Il ne devait pas être si nul que ça en marketing, car l’idée lui est venu d’en faire profiter ses compatriotes. C’est ainsi que durant l’année 2008,nike shox tn, il aurait "vendu" plus de 300 diplômes à des prix tournant autours de 2700€.
Il faut savoir qu’en Chine, les personnes détenant un diplôme provenant de France est extrèmement courtisée. Donc au delà de Toulon, c’est un système de fraude bien plus vaste qui pourrait être mis à jour! D’après les premiers témoignages recueillis par les policiersil y aurait de possibles cas de fraudes dans les universités de Pau,louboutin pas cher, de La Rochelle, de Poitiers et dans une autre en région parisienne. "C’est une enquête complexe qui demandera du temps", admet le procureur de la République de Marseille, Jacques Dallest.

VousNousIls.fr ajoute également que le Test de Connaissance du Français imposé aux postulants chinois, et aillant lieu dans des centres agréés en Chine pourrait lui même faire l’objet de tricherie. Résultat, cette année,jimmy choo sale, l’université de Toulon a accueilli une centaine de nouveaux: la plupart d’entre eux ne parlaient pas français...

Cette affaire montre que l’achat de diplôme dans le supérieur français est possible, et il serait absurde de ne s’en tenir qu’au "coupable chinois". Enfin 2700€ le diplôme... c’est pas cher! Quand on voit que les élèves d’écoles privées "supérieures" de commerce, c’est 2700€... le semestre! Avec cette rentrée d’argent, il est effectivement plus dur de virer un élève qui n’a pas le niveau. Enfin l’un ou l’autre, c’est comme ça que l’on se retrouve avec des maitres en entreprenariat payé le SMIC,mbt prix, ou des diplômés d’école de management chef de rayon à "PascherLAnd".


Discount Area Rugs

Many people are looking for a good deal when they go shopping. This has always been true but it seems that in the current era this has become even more necessary. Whenever these budget conscious individuals go in search of that elusive item that they desire they will generally go with the best quality product at the cheapest price as opposed to an earlier era where they might have simply chosen the most conveniently located item. Area rugs are no different in this vein. Discount Area Rugs are an item that these shoppers will look for just as surely as they will seek out quality. An area rug that has both quality and comes at a discount will sell readily in comparison to one that is either discounted or quality.

Whether the individual involved is the buyer or seller of Discounted Area Rugs the end result is the same. There is an area rug for sale. The individual attempting to buy such a rug needs to be cautious in what they purchase. They will need to check the piece thoroughly to make certain its material is still tight and that it isn't damaged,nike shox, unless that's the reason for the discount. To simply purchase an item because it is at a discount without thoroughly checking it can prove to be disastrous. For an item to simply be on sale is not enough. That item must meet all of the quality standards of the buyer before they should purchase it.

For the seller the needs of the moment are slightly different. The best way to Discount Area Rugs is to determine how much they cost and the reason why they need to sell them at a lower price. If it is simply something along the lines of wanting to bring business into the store,mbt sko priser, then a ten percent price discount might be the best bet. If it is a going out of business sale or a sale on overstocked items then the pricing can be a great deal more creative. Generally,ghd iv styler, though,Replica watches, a good rule of thumb is to take into account how many of these rugs are currently in stock and their individual unit price. Then mark them down to nearly the amount that was paid for them originally leaving only a very small profit very unit. This profit will very small but the items will move that much more quickly.

Safety Tips While Using Flat Irons

Hair styling has become an essential factor on which our beauty depends on. There is a wide range of hair styles you have to choose from. So it doesn’t matter what type of hair you possess, surely there are hairstyles that suit you. Reading the content given below will be useful for those who wish to choose a flat iron,Louis vuitton, especially those who have straight and long hair.      
  Everyone desires to have a straight and elegant looking hair. But it is often expensive and time consuming to visit the beauty salon. So the best alternative is to buy a flat iron for your home use. This will help you straighten your hair by giving a professional quality result.     The most important factor to keep in mind is the width of the plates of flat iron. People with short hair can select a rod with plate width 1 inch, and for those who have longer hair can prefer one with a width of 1? inches.    Always prefer a flat iron which has variable heat setting facility. They may be expensive than the normal ones,Polo ralph lauren, but considering its feature they are worth it. Different type of hair needs different temperature setting. Using a higher temperature than the needed one can be harmful to the hair and scalp. The excessive heat can cause breakage to hair, split ends and can also lead to hair loss. Users with normal or thin hair need a medium range heat setting,nike shox, while those with thick and rough hair might need a higher hest setting.      
  They are many other features that we have to ensure while choosing a flat iron. Make sure to choose the one which have a lot of good features. Good quality flat irons reduce the damage that is caused due to the heat of the device. Also keep in mind the individual factors that we prefer in the flat iron. Always choose a flat iron from recognized brands.    Make sure to get expert advice from a professional hairdresser before you choose the one. Customer reviews can also help you in this. Professional brand flat irons are the one famous among most hairdressers and common customers. They produce gorgeous results and that too with ease. Never go for a compromise between the price and quality. After all it is a matter of your appearance and beauty.    
    Professional flat iron collection available at Flat Iron Experts. We have got Karmin Flat Irons,rolex watches, GHD Flat Irons etc in our product range.


A Few Tips On Finding Cheap Auto Insurance

During very difficult financial periods in the world's history people are constantly looking to find ways of saving money. Whenever people look to save money the first place to look will be at the luxuries that you have in your life. If you go on lots of holidays for example then this is considered a luxury and will be something that can be cut down completely in order to save money. Once your luxuries have been cut then the next place to look will be in your fixed expenses such as your household bills,planchas pelo, your rent or mortgage payments,zapatos mbt, and your auto insurance. On the subject of auto insurance, there are lots of different things that you could try in order to reduce your premiums.

When you are looking to get cheaper rates, however, it is going to be very important that you do not allow yourself to get sucked in by very cheap rates if they are not going to be able to offer you the quality of coverage that you require. Therefore you should always try to avoid very cheap companies who promise you the world but cannot deliver.

It is however possible to maintain cheaper rates and good coverage if you look to do certain things. But what can you do to get cheap insurance coverage whilst maintaining quality?

Well, the first thing that you have to do is to make sure that you talk to a sales agent directly so that he can discuss with you everything that you might be able to try. Your insurance rates will be calculated by many different factors in your life, and therefore you need to find out about these and whether they can be altered by talking to an agent.

You should therefore call up and the company that currently provides you with your insurance policy and ask them about any factors that you might be able to change in order to get better premiums. For some people there might be many things that could be altered, but for others you may you already be in the best position possible.

One example of something that you might be able to do would be in changing the car that you drive. Insurers generally have a particular criteria about the sorts of vehicles that they like their customers to be driving, and so if you can downgrade your vehicle to something like this then this should help you to get better rates.

Another thing that you might be able to try it would be in improving your credit rating if this is something that isn't as good as it could be. People don't seem to know that their credit ratings play quite an important part in the price of their insurance,air max, however insurers will look to this to see whether you are a responsible person financially. If you have a poor credit rating then it might be a good idea to see if you can consolidate some of your debts so that you can improve it.

These are only a couple of things that people could do in order to get better insurance rates,replica horloges, but it will really come down to your own personal situation as to whether you will be able to change your rates or not.

Knowsley Baboons Fly The Flag For England World Cup Campaign

Knowsley Safari Park's infamous baboons are the stars of a new taxi advertising campaign which urges the England squad to repeat their historic victory in the 1966 tournament.    
  A group of football fans from Africa are backing England's World Cup campaign - despite the fact that this year's competition is being held on their home turf.    
  The soccer supporters in question's are,replica orologi Knowsley Safari Park's infamous baboons, who are the stars of a new taxi advertising campaign which urges the England squad to repeat their historic victory in the 1966 tournament.  
  The origins of the campaign can be traced back to the 2006 World Cup in Germany when the mischievous inhabitants of the Knowsley monkey jungle amassed a huge collection of England flags stolen from visitors cars.    
  As a result, attraction bosses were forced to issue a warning to families to remove the flags before setting off on the safari drive.    
  Now some of the photographs of the baboons antics from four years ago have been used to create an eye-catching promotional livery which is being featured on 30 taxis operating in towns and cities all over the North West.    
  To launch the campaign safari chiefs decided to give the baboons a close-up view of their advertising equivalents and - predictably - it didn1t take long before they were on top of the cab and up to their old tricks.    
  Safari Park General Manager,vibram five fingers, David Ross, commented: The baboons are always great fun but they are the vandals of the animal world and they weren1t going to ignore a colourful target like our World Cup taxi.    
  The driver, Ray Grocott, said that although he was used to dealing with problem fares this time he was just glad to get out of the monkey jungle with most of his cab intact,tiffany, even though a couple of the baboons had left unwanted Otips on his bonnet!    
  Steve Hale, Operations Manager for Transport Media, the company co-ordinating the campaign,Bolsos louis vuitton, said: "We're delighted with the taxis - at the design stage we knew they were going to be good but they're so much better in the flesh than we expected".    
  This is a unique campaign.  There's nothing like it anywhere else in the country and we're sure it will bring a smile to people's faces throughout the region.    
  The antics of the 140-strong troop of baboons are an ongoing problem for park bosses.  Last year they had to warn visitors with rooftop luggage boxes to avoid the monkey jungle after the baboons learnt how to break into them.  

Kitchen Bar Stools Are Not Exclusive To Just The Kitchen

You need different furniture for different purposes. They may even be used on a daily basis. Kitchen bar stools are items that are used very frequently. In many instances, they have become a staple piece of furniture in the home.

You can find many kinds of bar stools, with different colors,replica orologi, designs, and materials. You can find a variety of styles at retailers such as causal, fun-loving, or formal. Prior to selecting a bar stool, be certain that its design blends in with the rest of your kitchen.

The standard heights for kitchen stools are either 24 inches, 26, inches,ghd piastra, 30 inches, or 34 inches. Less common are 18-inch stools, which are made for short counters. Though stools come in many sizes the most common heights are 24 and 26 inches. Kitchen stools come in a wide range of prices; stools that swivel are more expensive.

If one is in the market for traditional decor in kitchen seating, it's best to buy pine, oak or some other kind of wood.  Handcrafted designs on the back and legs of your bar stools can add to the decor of any room you place them in. This is where more information can be found on traditional bar stools.

Kitchen stools may be used for a number of purposes. Therefore you should choose the material that is able to endure harsh use, particularly if you have a young family. Especially for a kitchen, where they are likely to get frequent use, avoid soft woods, and opt, instead,manolo blahnik, for stools made of durable materials such as hard woods or some of the very attractive metal alternatives available today.   Note the height of the counter tops, then measure seat height to the counter top. Be certain that they provide comfort when you sit in them. Keep in mind that your child will be using the stools,christian louboutin, too.

Imagine all of the uses of kitchen bar stools. You can quickly put them on a balcony, gaming room, or garden and use them as you see fit. Kitchen stools are not just for the kitchen any longer they can be found in the home throughout.